各位科技迷们,准备好被震撼了吗?2025年3月3日-6日,在西班牙巴塞罗那的MWC 2025(世界移动通信大会)现场,一款颠覆行业的黑科技手机横空出世,直接引爆全场!没错,它就是FOSSiBOT即将发布的行业首款星光夜视摄像手机——FOSSiBOT F107 PRO!这款手机不仅让夜晚变成“白天”,还让所有行业大佬、竞对老板、科技媒体都疯狂了!
Are you ready to be amazed? From March 3rd to 6th, 2025, at the MWC 2025 (Mobile World Congress) in Barcelona, Spain, a groundbreaking piece of tech made its grand debut, stealing the spotlight! Yes, we're talking about the industry's first starlight night vision camera phone—the FOSSiBOT F107 PRO! This phone doesn't just turn night into day; it has left industry leaders, competitors, and tech media in absolute awe!
想象一下,在漆黑的夜晚,只有一点点星光的情况下,你能拍出什么样的照片?FOSSiBOT F107 PRO告诉你:亮如白昼,全彩摄影! 没错,FOSSiBOT创新性的采用了星光夜视摄像和手机结合,这不仅仅在三防手机里是首次,在整个手机行业更是首创!在伸手不见五指的环境下,肉眼看到的只是一片黑影,但是F107 Pro能拍出清晰、明亮的全彩照片!
Imagine this: it's pitch black, with only a faint glimmer of starlight. What kind of photo could you possibly take? The F107 PRO answers: bright as day, in full color! That's right, FOSSiBOT has innovatively combined starlight night vision technology with a smartphone—a first not just in rugged phones but in the entire mobile industry! In complete darkness, where the human eye sees only shadows, the F107 PRO captures crystal-clear, full-color images!
现场体验区,FOSSiBOT专门设计了一个黑匣子,模拟全黑环境,结果——所有人都惊呆了! 在同样的漆黑环境下,即使是再好的大牌手机,拍摄的照片也不及F107 PRO的星光夜视摄像头拍摄的效果,F107 PRO手机屏幕上的画面亮如白昼, 全彩清晰,成像效果让人怀疑人生,仿佛黑夜根本不存在!有媒体直接惊呼:“这简直是夜视仪和手机的完美结合,未来已来!”
At the live demo area, FOSSiBOT set up a "black box" to simulate dim darkness environment, and the results left everyone speechless! In the same pitch-black environment, even the best flagship phones couldn't come close to the F107 PRO's starlight night vision capabilities. The phone's screen displayed images so bright and vivid, it felt like darkness didn't exist! One media outlet exclaimed,"This is the perfect fusion of night vision and smartphones—the future is here!"
你以为F107 PRO只有夜视厉害?那就大错特错了!它还搭载了200MP AI摄像头,拍出来的照片细节清晰到让人窒息!无论是远处的风景,还是微小的纹理,都能被捕捉得淋漓尽致。现场有摄影师感叹:“这画质,简直可以媲美专业相机了!”
Think the F107 PRO is only about night vision? Think again! It also boasts a 200MP AI camera that captures mind-blowing detail. Whether it's a distant landscape or the tiniest texture, every shot is breathtakingly sharp. One photographer at the event remarked, "This image quality rivals professional cameras!"
续航焦虑?不存在的!FOSSiBOT F107 PRO内置了28000毫安的超级大电池,别说用一天了,连续用几天都不在话下!现场有科技博主直接惊呼:“这电池容量,简直是从未来穿越来的吧!”
Battery anxiety? Not with the F107 PRO! Packing a massive 28,000mAh battery, this phone doesn't just last a day—it can go for days on a single charge! One tech blogger joked, "This battery capacity feels like it's from the future!"
不仅如此,FOSSiBOT F107 PRO还配备了一个强光手电筒,亮度堪比专业户外手电!无论是夜拍补光,还是户外探险,它都能轻松应对。现场有人开玩笑:“这手电筒,晚上走夜路都不用怕了,直接照亮整条街!”
But wait, there's more! The F107 PRO also features a high-power flashlight that rivals professional outdoor torches. Whether you're using it for night photography or an outdoor adventure, it's got you covered. Someone at the event quipped, "With this flashlight, you could light up an entire street at night!"
F107 PRO一亮相,立刻成为MWC的焦点!行业大佬们纷纷驻足体验,一天几次光临咨询体验,竞对老板们也不得不承认:“这技术,确实牛!”科技媒体更是争相报道,现场体验,对星光夜视功能和长续航赞不绝口,连连惊呼:未来已来!用户需要这样一台手机,再也无惧黑夜了!
The F107 PRO instantly became the star of MWC! Industry leaders couldn't stopvisiting the booth to experience it firsthand, while competitors had to admit, "This technology is next-level!" Tech media flocked to cover it, praising its night vision capabilities and long battery life, repeatedly declaring, "The future is here! This is the phone we've been waiting for to conquer the night!"
Even the most critical international media couldn't help but applaud:"This phone isn't just technologically advanced; its design is futuristic. It's undoubtedly one of MWC's biggest highlights!"
F107 PRO不仅仅是一款手机,它是一次技术的飞跃,是对未来科技的重新定义!无论是星光夜视、200MP AI摄像头,还是28000毫安大电池和强光手电筒,每一个功能都让人惊叹不已。
The F107 PRO isn't just a smartphone; it's a leap forward in technology, redefining what's possible. From starlight night vision and the 200MP AI camera to the 28,000mAh battery and super-bright flashlight, every feature is a showstopper.
FOSSiBOT F112 Pro: 新环保概念三防手机
除了F107 PRO,还有一款手机同样在MWC现场引发了巨大轰动——它就是FOSSiBOT F112 PRO!这款手机不仅是三防领域的创新之作,更是环保与时尚的完美结合!
While the F107 PRO stole the show, another phone also created a massive buzzat MWC—the FOSSiBOT F112 PRO! This phone isn’t just an innovation in the rugged phone space; it’s the perfect blend of eco-friendliness and style!
F112 PRO首次采用了液态硅胶材质,这种材质不仅触感亲肤、柔软舒适,还极具环保意义。相比传统材质,液态硅胶更加耐用且可回收,真正做到了科技与自然的和谐共生。现场有环保人士点赞:“这才是未来科技该有的样子!”
The F112 PRO is the first of its kind to featureliquid silicone material. Not only is it soft, skin-friendly, and comfortable to touch, but it’s also highly eco-friendly. Compared to traditional materials, liquid silicone is more durable and recyclable, truly achieving a harmonious balance between technology and nature. One environmental advocate at the event praised, "This is what the future of technology should look like!"
谁说三防手机只能是“硬汉风”?F112 PRO打破了这一固有印象,推出了多种时尚配色,每一款都充满个性与活力!买家们纷纷拿起自己喜爱的颜色,与我们的销售人员合影留念,表达对产品的认可和合作意向。有买家兴奋地说:“这款手机不仅实用,还这么好看,简直让人爱不释手!”
Who said rugged phones have to be all about a "tough guy" aesthetic? The F112 PRO breaks that stereotype with its vibrant color options, each exuding personality and flair! Buyers couldn’t resist picking up their favorite colors and snapping photos with our sales team, expressing their love for the product and eagerness to collaborate. One excited buyer said, "This phone isn’t just practical—it’s so stylish, I can’t put it down!"
F112 PRO不仅是一款三防手机,更是一种生活态度的表达。它用创新的材质和设计,重新定义了什么是“坚固”与“时尚”。无论是户外探险者,还是都市时尚达人,F112 PRO都能成为你的最佳搭档!
The F112 PRO isn’t just a rugged phone; it’s a statement of lifestyle. With its innovative material and design, it redefines what it means to bedurable and fashionable. Whether you’re an outdoor adventurer or a city trendsetter, the F112 PRO is the perfect companion for you!
FOSSiBOT F112 PRO,用科技守护地球,用色彩点亮生活!
FOSSiBOT于2022年8月成立,是由一个有10年以上手机行业经验的专业团队成立的,一直深耕于三防手机行业,带着对三防手机行业的浓厚情感和对行业未来的探索欲望,我们始终致力于将极致耐用与前沿科技完美结合。从 rugged 设计到创新功能,我们的每一款产品都经过严苛测试,确保在极端环境下依然表现出色。FOSSiBOT F107 PRO 的诞生,正是我们对品质与创新的又一次突破——它不仅是一款三防手机,更是探索未知、挑战极限的可靠伙伴。无论你是户外探险者,还是科技极客,我们都为你提供最坚固、最智能的移动体验。因为,真正的强者,从不畏惧任何环境!
FOSSiBOT was established in August 2022 by a professional team with over a decade of experience in the mobile phone industry. We have always beendeeply committed to the rugged phone sector, driven by a profound passion for the industry and a desire to explore its future. Our mission is to perfectly combine ultimate durability with cutting-edge technology. From rugged designs to innovative features, every product we create undergoes rigorous testing to ensure exceptional performance even in the most extreme environments. The birth of the FOSSiBOT F107 PRO marks another breakthrough in our pursuit of quality and innovation—it’s not just a rugged phone but a reliable companion for exploring the unknown and pushing boundaries. Whether you're an outdoor adventurer or a tech enthusiast, we provide the toughest and smartest mobile experience. Because true strength fears no environment!
你觉得F107 PRO的哪个功能最吸引你?是星光夜视,还是200MP摄像头?留言告诉我们
#F107PRO #星光夜视 #MWC黑科技 #未来已来
展会时间: 2025年3月3日-6日
展会地点: 西班牙巴塞罗那会展中心格兰大道展馆
FOSSiBOT展位号: 7D9, Hall 7
Date:3-6 March, 2025
Address:Fira Gran Via, Barcelona, Spain
Booth Number:NO. 7D9, Hall 7